A sure Word

“Oh Lord, You are my portion and my cup of blessing, You hold my future. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” Psalm 16:5

God’s promises for His children are not petty and insignificant.

They are relevant and extremely important to us because we are co-heirs with His Son Jesus as described in the book of Romans chapter 8 verses 17.

When you become God’s child you’ll inherit the blessings for your spiritual and your earthly life as well.

It’s our right as the King’s sons and daughters to greatly enjoy those blessings. But if any one of the member of the King’s household is rebellious or ignorant about the inheritance or the blessings then they lose out on the best part of their lives.

I do not know what boundary lines you are facing in your life at this moment. May be it is relationship strife, joblessness, loneliness, financial setbacks, wayward children, grief, unable to break free from sexual sins or addictions, could be declining health.

How is it that David in the Bible could make such a faith filled declaration, “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance” after all the tragedies he encountered in his life.

How about us? How do we in this weary and sickening place find the answer to all the problems and turmoil’s we face? The scripture says, “Oh Lord, You are my portion and my cup of blessing, You hold my future.”

The answer is just not in enjoying what God has given you or the bounty of God’s goodness over your lives, though there’s nothing wrong in relishing His goodness and gifts. But your real joy comes in the “Lord Himself.” Having Him and all of Him in your life. It precedes the positive proclamation regarding the boundary lines, “Lord You are my portion and my cup, You hold my future.” It is God who holds our future because He knows everything about you and me. This gives me security.

Some of you who are reading this have not encountered the love of God. And I want to tell you that God wants to love you because His love for you is the “Greatest,” not like what the world would give, but it’s Supernatural.

His love will change you from deep within and you will never be the same again as you will experience a life of freedom because your boundary lines will fall in pleasant places.

So open up your hearts and let the Living God encounter you with His Amazing Love.

And the truth is “His Love is Everlasting!”