Open Doors USA – Stories

The term ‘Brexit’ has been hopping around our social media feeds and conversations with friends. In case you haven’t heard of it, it is an abbreviation for ‘British exit’ and refers to the referendum of the UK’s membership of the European Union.

The world has been weighing in on the debate: should the UK remain a member of the European Union or not? Will this change affect refugees?

The debate has grown because the desired exit is based around governing power and also has implications for the refugee crisis. Britain has remained largely closed off from the refugee crisis. With this impending exit, it is feared that support for refugee groups and asylum seekers will be reduced.

As our Advocacy Director, Kristin Wright, mentions in her recent interview with CBN, we must extend love and support to refugees, Muslim and Christian alike. Open Doors exists to equip the church to be the church, extending the love and truth of the gospel.

Please join with us in praying for wisdom and discernment for those involved in the Brexit decision, and we pray that refugees would receive support when needed in this region.

If you would like to partner with us to provide socioeconomic relief to refugees, provide job skills training or help believers rebuild their homes, help here:


Source: Open Doors USA – Stories